Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Witch Hunt!

It's on. President Obama, in yet another flip of his policies, has given the o.k. for U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder to start a witch hunt on, in the president's own words, "those who formulated the language" of the Bush administration's "interrogation memos."

Earlier in the week President Obama had stated that he wanted to "look forward and not backward" in his transition to president. Now, according to White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs (who makes Scott McClellan look like Tony Snow) the president is now "open to to prosecuting Bush administration officials who devised the legal authority for 'controversial' terror-suspect interrogations," that the White House says includes water-boarding.

Nevermind the fact that water-boarding is NOT torture (if it were, you would have to indict evey drill sargeant and commanding officer of every soldier at Guantanamo Bay-not to mention every soldier-that not only water-boarded terror suspects, but American soldiers themselves that went through the process themselves)

It does not leave any long-lasting physical after-affects, it does not cause pain (opponents of the tactic say it does leave pain-emotional or psychological pain, boo-freakin' hoo. So does my favourite sports team not winning the championship every year. Jeez, if you are a Detroit Lions fan and that were true, you'd be annually suicidal)

President Obama says that America has lost "our moral bearings" with use of the tactics. Hmm. I guess losing one's "moral bearings" includes getting results and saving lives.

This is just a plain ol' witch hunt, folks. Y'know, like what liberals have been decrying since the days of Joseph McCarthy? But now that the Messiah is president, all bets are off and hypocrisy reigns supreme.

But the difference between McCarthy and Obama is, at least McCarthy was front and center and led the charge himself. Yes, he ruined careers and lives of innocent people and I highly condemn that. However, and perhaps more importantly, he was right. There were KGB agents and communists in the State Department of the Truman administration. I know, "unsubstantiated claims," right? Really? Alger Hiss ring a bell? Obama wants Holder to get dirty for him. Yes, he is the Attorney General and he serves at the pleasure of the president, and obviously Obama isn't going to (nor does he have the time to) start the game himself, but he is placating to the far-left and his Soros keepers.

This is the left's time. It's their chance at revenge for the "evil" George W. Bush and Dick Cheney "regime." It's also their chance to get revenge for the impeachment of Bill Clinton, which you know they've been chomping at the bit for 10 years now. However, since the dropping of the Clintons as their heroes, the MSM doesn't seem all that desperate to do anything for the "first black president." So, it's clearly Bush Derangement Syndrome run amok...still.

"The president had said earlier that he didn't want to see prosecutions of the CIA agents and interrogators who took part in water-boarding and other harsh interrogation tactics, so long as they acted within parameters spelled out by government superiors who held that such practices were legal at the time," said the article. But if that is true, who would Holder go after? I mean, if everyone involved was just following orders, who do you blame? Obviously, during any congressional investigation they're going to try and make it look that the orders came from the top, or at least one level from the top. That means they're ultimately going to try and prosecute Bush and/or Cheney. And you just know, that's what the Democrat-controlled Congress is salivating for, a chance at indicting the former president and vice-president on trumped-up charges of war crimes. Right now, congressional Democrats are losing sleep over this one, dreaming that they're going to be the one(s) that finally "got" Bush.

But, to the president's credit (and assuming he's sincere and won't flip on this too) he said that he "didn't want to see prosecutions of the CIA agents and interrogators who took part in water boarding and other harsh interrogation tactics, so long as they acted within parameters spelled out by government superiors who held that such practices were legal at the time."

And those "practices" were legal, because water-boarding as we know it today, is not torture. I'm sure by the end of the year, it will be defined as such and be done away with (and with it any chances of extracting information from suspected terrorists that would be vital to fighting the war on terror, or whatever they're calling it now. Actually, what are they calling it now?

By the way, do you realize this is the first time in the history of the presidency that a sitting administration has gone after the previous one for "crimes" of any description? Not even Nixon faced this kind of hatred. Maybe Ford did for pardoning him, but certainly not Nixon.
I think it may behoove the president to take a page from Ford's book and not try to be so divisive. Yeah, yeah; he claims to have nothing to do with it, saying that will "be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws and I don't want to prejudge that." In other words, he has judged it and wants retribution on behalf of his MoveOn masters. it's just that he doesn't want to get his own hands dirty (which will later be the libs excuse-that he, personally, didn't have anything to do with it)

You think this wasn't planned by Obama and his people before this report was released? You think he didn't get some information about it leaked to him? Please. If this isn't some diabolical plan to enshrine his legacy as a hero of the radical left, then what is it? Is it just the president laying down the law? Really? He wasn't (and continues to be) not too concerned about the rule of law when he was taking campaign contributions from Willian Ayres. Yes, him again. What did Gibbs say? That Obama "does not believe that people are above the rule of law?" Prove it. Start by charging some of your White House staff with tax evasion, for starters.

Now that there's a potential for a Republican "scandal," he's all over it. How do I know it was planned all along? Because he didn't have to make these findings public. He could have left it alone and moved on. Apparently he wants divisiveness in the country. If he doesn't think that's what will happen, or even the slight possibility of it, then he isn't as intelligent as everyone tells us he is and he has no business being leader of the free world. But, as I said, he does know what will happen. Or at least he thinks he does, because after all I've said here today, the simple fact is the Supreme Court will not allow this to go forward. As try as they might, this will be a near impossible case for Holder to prosecute because, quite simply there is no case.

It's just I'd wish they would stop all this the president "may" or "might" or "would" as if he hasn't contemplated any of this and doesn't have a horse in this race.


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