Friday, May 08, 2009

Cheney Says Stay the Course

In a recent radio interview, Former Vice-President, Dick Cheney as expected, defended not only the Bush administrations foreign policy, but the GOPs conservative principles (when they had them) as well. Reiterating that the party is not on the wrong track and that they have not gone "too far to the right" as some would claim.

When a liberal says, "I think you should moderate," it actually means, "think like us." Just like when they say, "You're entitled to your opinion and we respect that." It only means if you agree with them.

By the way, did you happen to catch this?

Cheney: "...there are two documents in particular that I personally have read and know about that are still classified in that National Archives. I’d ask that they be de-classified, I made that request over a month ago on March 31st. What those documents show is the success, especially of the interrogation program in terms of what it produced by way of intelligence that let us track down members of Al-Qaeda and disrupt their plans and plots to strike the United States. It’s all there in black and white. It is work that was done by the Central Intelligence Agency after several years of experience with these programs. It demonstrates conclusively the worth of those programs. As I say, I’ve asked the Administration to de-classify them and so far they have not.

Hennen: Yeah, they have selectively have released these memos (which is very interesting, given their past criticisms as well about politicizing intelligence) because clearly, that is what they are doing here. Now they have said, “the President was asked about this during the 100 Day Press Conference the other day, and he said that basically he had read the memos, and basically that he believes we could have gotten this information in other ways, in ways that were consistent with our values and ways that were consistent with who we are.” What is your response to that?

Cheney: Well, I don’t believe that’s true. That assumes that we didn’t try other ways, and in fact we did. We resorted, for example, to waterboarding, which is the source of much of the controversy ... with only three individuals. In those cases, it was only after we’d gone through all the other steps of the process. The way the whole program was set up was very careful, to use other methods and only to resort to the enhanced techniques in those special circumstances.

Hennen: Three individuals, right?

Cheney: In the waterboarding in particular — which has been the most controversial — was a total of three individuals. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed being the number one. Of course he was the guy who planned and carried out the attacks on 9/11, which killed 3,000 Americans."

Did you get that? Three people were waterboarded. Three! Libs, get a grip, get a life, get a clue!

And about that absurd claim, (because everybody knows that the DNC is not a bunch of George Soros, zealots-wooo) if the GOP has gone so far to the right, why did they nominate John McCain?


Blogger Adrienne said...

Wow. I did not know that only 3 people were waterboarded. I'm in shock. By the way MSM and Obama have been talking you'd think we "tortured" everyone with reckless abandon.

This is really an evil thing Obama is doing by releasing selected memos that support his claims. He's really determined to make Bush look as evil as possible even if he has to rewrite history. I didn't always agree with Bush but I was always proud of how safe he kept the US after 9/11. It's a tragedy that O is making him out to be evil just for protecting the country. I'm glad Cheney is speaking out. He still has the fight left in him. God bless him.

11:42 am  

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