Thursday, May 07, 2009

Go, Ann, Go

Another astute observation from Ms. Coulter. I dare you to deny this.
I've often felt violated myself after listening to those douches.


Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

So, again, we should continue to conduct systematic torture techniques provided by The Japanese over 65 years ago? Would that make Gitmo more palatable to you?

3:26 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Maybe you haven't been paying attention (obviously) but waterboarding IS NOT TORTURE!!!

And even if it were, we know it has saved lives. So what would you suggest?

By the way, they cranked music on them like "Barney" stuff. You know, " I love you, you love me..."
Is that "real" torture as well. Believe it or not, some of them talked after that.

Or would you rather have more innocent people die? I thought your side was against that kind of thing.

AND to answer your question, yes, we should. Like I said before, I really don't care what they do to these animals.

3:41 pm  
Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

Waterboarding IS torture to me.

You're restraining someone against their will doing physical things to them leading them to panic.

THAT is torture.

3:59 pm  
Anonymous Joe Liberal (leaning Independent) said...

I thought your side was against that kind of thing.I am an individual.
My 'side' is, as yours is, maybe not always ideal.
I will not represent 'the party line' if I do not agree with it.

MAYBE i'll change my name to Joe Independent.

4:20 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

So, by your definition (and please correct me if I'm wrong) but if I were to smack my child on the behind for say, pulling his sister's hair, that's torture? That's physical, that's pain-inducing.

Or how about if I say no to my child in the grocery store because they want that sugary cereal and he or she throws a tantrum. That's panic-inducing, is not not? Isn't that "torture?"

Anyone who has been waterboarded at Gitmo or anyplace else has not had ANY lasting physical affects (mental, sure that's the point) but it has produced results that has saved lives. Although the Anointed One won't let you know that.

Yeah, maybe you should "ordain" yourself as an independent. Because although sometimes you do drive me nuts, Joe, I have defended you as "not a Liberal whack-job." So perhaps, "Joe Independent" would be more fitting.
It worked for Lieberman. Although he's been slipping back to his liberal roots lately.

1:11 am  
Anonymous Joe Independent said...

I think you're stretching 'disciplining your child' with torture.

I have no problem with spanking/punishing a child as 'behaviour modification', but the idea of adults torturing each other in times of war are certainly much different in my eyes.

PLEASE don't 'Lieberman' me.

8:00 am  

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