Thursday, August 06, 2009

Obam, Clinton Save Journalists in S. Korea

Former president, Bill Clinton, by special request of the North Korean government themselves, has come home with the American journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee after negotiations with the communist Kim Jong Il government.

At face value, give President Obama and Clinton due credit for this fantastic accomplishment (if only Smiling Jimmy could have had this much ability in 1979) but what did America give up to get them back? You don't think Lil Kim gave them a full pardon and released them for a photo op and out of the goodness of his black little heart do you? No, something was discussed and given up.

Remember, it was this same former president who gave missles to the Chinese in exchange for them to "be good" and not use them against the U.S. or her allies. Perhaps nothing "official" was said over tea or whatever, but you just know, Slick Willy must have "leaked" some sort of "unofficial" deal.
It probably went something like, "You know, President Obama has nothing official to declare, but unofficially, he thinks perhaps you may like..."

That's how deals are made, afterall. Ronald Reagan and Oliver North were labeled as criminals for their saving of civilians from Iran, but Obama and Clinton are heroes? Maybe they are...this time. I'm just wondering how long it would have taken Obama and Clinton to act (if at all) if these two ladies weren't employed by Al Gore?

Regardless, job well done.


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