Wednesday, January 27, 2010

America Remains Center Right

Not only have there been conservative to "moderate" leaders brought to power globally in the last few years, but the U.S. and Canada in particular have had conservative leaderships voted in time and time again. This column by the Wall Street Journal's Gerald F. Sieb (with chart included) shows that this due to the fact that these nation's populous have center-right ideologies (at last count the percentage of these conservative governments to liberal ones stands at 70%-30% in the U.S. and 65%-45% in Canada) and simply reject the ideas and policies of left-wing governments that are clearly being demonstrated by the plummeting popularity numbers of President Obama and the Democrats in Congress. This couldn't possibly be why historically, when right of center governments are in power in the two countries, they, often than not, experience economic stability if not a full-blown economic boom?


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