Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ACORN Disbanding

Hallelujah. Well, they got away with the advocating of tax fraud, tax evasion, prostitution (involving minors) among other crimes that liberals love and pat each other on the back for. But apparently the The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is toast.
As the column pointed out, the MSM is not happy. Aww.

But before you get too excited (or too depressed) about the whole thing, keep in mind they will set up shop somewhere under a different name, but of course with the same agenda and illegalities.

Let's all toast the courage and conviction of James O'Keefe, Hannah Giles (she'll need a lot of luck getting a mainstream job at any MSM outlet after this) and Andrew Brietbart. It seems the pen (or in this case, the camera) is indeed mightier than the sword.


Blogger Adrienne said...

It's great news!! I'll be wary of any new group that has the words "community" or "organize" in their name. LOL

2:16 pm  

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