Sunday, April 04, 2010

41 Percent of Tea Partiers Not Republican

Surprised? I'll bet the MSM is. Either that or they simply refuse to report what they actually find, which is what I'd bet on. But don't expect any softening of their tones or an end to their insults, because as of this writing, I haven't heard or read any sort of story on this from the left-wing media.

The numbers may vary depending on what poll you believe, but the consensus seems to indicate that 28 percent of Tea Partiers are independents, 13 percent Democrats, and 57 percent Republicans. So that means that the MSM in all their glory of insulting, berating and lying about these patriots are degrading 41 percent of a combined independent and Democrat ilk.
Don't expect any sort of retractions or apologies from the left on this, because a) they have too much invested in their lies and misrepresentations and b) they actually believe in what they're saying, contrary to all the evidence against it. Now 57 percent admittedly being Republican is a majority, but something tells me that is in no way a green light for all the hateful and misinforming rhetoric coming from the left-wing media. Again, I'll bet the farm that these so-called journalists know about these numbers, but they simply don't jive with their lefty agenda, thus the ongoing, phony racism accusations and hateful discord toward fellow concerned Americans.

I guess the left only mean to insult the 57 percent. You know, the people that actually believe in liberty.


Blogger Adrienne said...

The fact that they ignore the tea party is fascinating to me. There were THOUSANDS of people at the April 15 tea party in Dallas last year. My local news barely mentioned it. Then there were the thousands perhaps even a million people who were in DC at 9/12 rally that the MSM ignored also. They'll just ignore it or lie about it and hope it goes away I guess.

4:06 pm  

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