Thursday, April 01, 2010

How the Left Fakes the Hate

And continues to.

A great column by Michelle Malkin.

And it's not just in political terms that the MSM and liberal flame-throwers make things up, all in the name of blaming conservatives for "hate." Remember the Duke lacrosse team and the non-rape case, all were perceived guilty of raping a black stripper (all except the black member of the team) led by such distinguished luminaries as Nancy Grace and pretty much every single MSNBC host.
What about perennial race-baiter, Al Sharpton and the whole Tawana Brawley or Crown Heights fiascos? He still hasn't apologized or (literally) paid for those smears. Neither has any of his supporters that blindly and un-apologetically followed him, and still do, making no excuses or apologies for said events, even when the death of an innocent shopkeeper was the result. No concern, apologies or retractions from the media whatsoever. Other to place the blame on conservative talk-show hosts. I guess the hatred spewed by Code Pink and other far-left fringe elements are not to be considered.

There are countless examples of agenda-driven media stories made up out of whole cloth (most, it seems are from the last few months) but with the media itself propagating these myths, who is there to tell the historic facts to the masses when even those who attempt to do so are vilified?


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