Thursday, April 29, 2010

Conservatives in Hollywood

Here's the plight of actors in Hollywood that happen to be conservative according to Janine Turner. See if you can notice the difference between the attitude and demeanor of Ms. Turner and that of say, Sean Penn. Huge difference.
With lefty, anti-war, anti-CIA, anti-American movies flopping at a consistent rate, you figure Hollywood would get tired of losing money and put out some more conservative-driven, family-oriented movies that always make money-but are never seen as having Best Picture potential. Again it's the message, not the success of a movie that counts to the liberals in charge nowadays. When's the last time you saw a conservative actor in a movie (other than Jon Voight) despite the fact they're not on TV spewing their hatred a la Janine Garofolo, Sean Penn, et al?

I don't think she got into enough detail about how conservatives are villified in Hollywood these days.

I tried to embed this video, but there appears to be something wrong with the embedding code and that it says "video not available," so I simply linked the page, as you can see.


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