Sunday, May 30, 2010

Maher Wants a Real Black President

Bill Maher did it again. Using his protection as a leftist-"media" celebrity blowhard to show his true racist colors. Only a true liberal can get away with something like this without a peep out of the media. Obviously Maher thinks all black are criminals who all carry guns and are all gang members. Truly revealing this. But of course it was only "a joke," so nothing to see here.
Hm. What are the odds Kieth Olberloon or Rachel Maddow, or even...well again, everyone (or is that anyone) at the all-white MSNBC will say anything about this? Did I say MSNBC? How about any liberal media member?

UPDATE: It's been a few days now and as I predicted (but not the least bit surprised by) no left-wing media outlets or bloggers have called out Maher for his blatantly racist comments. So, here's a column by Big Hollywood's Brad Schaeffer that parallels my sentiments and exposes Maher for the liberal elitist and racist that he is.


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