Monday, June 21, 2010

Chris Tingle Looking For a Fake Emmy?

Why not? Micheal Moore got a fake Oscar. Al Gore and Barack Obama each got fake Nobel Peace prizes. Why can't Chrissy get a fake Emmy?

Apparently, it takes more than this drivel.

Since I didn't watch Chris Matthews' mockumentary, "The Rise of the New Right," you know, since it was on MSNBC; and because I knew exactly what it was going to be, good thing News Reel's Lori Ziganto did.

Seriously, where do these loons come up with this stuff? And again with the Timothy McVeigh references. Fifteen years and all they can come with is Timothy McVeigh? If right-wingers and Christian zealots are churning out violence everyday, how come they can't come up with any other name? How about Ted Kazinsky? He was a pretty violent, anti-government type of guy, wasnt he? Hm. Maybe it's because he was a left-wing university professor? You think that has anything to do with the fact none of these left-wing pundits and cable hosts never mention him in the same breath as "right-wing extremists?" I don't know why not? They can always lie and propagate about him too and just say he was a crazy right-winger like all the rest.

Pathetic. But yet, highly predictable.

And just as an example, here is some really recent (as opposed to 15 years ago) left-wing violence against free speech.


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