Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Gaza Flotilla: Falsehoods and Facts

Despite what the "world media' and other irrelevant, dishonest, biased and uninformed propaganda agencies would have you believe, here's the skinny on the Gaza flotilla incident, via CAMERA.

HonestReporting also let's us know what's going on. Click on the link of your choice to see how the anti-Israel media omits and manipulates facts to confuse and lie to you.

Just a slight difference in facts, huh? Such as lack of any of "those poor, peaceful, oppressed Palestinians," sob stories; who are actually Jew-killing frauds in the vein of their enabling masters, the government of Iran.
It's amazing to me, that these people will believe any unproven conspiracy theory involving Israel, the U.S. (especially if George W. Bush's name is remotely involved) but simply refuse to see the truth in front of them that has been exposed for decades, if not centuries.

By the way, do you know how Iran got it's name? So Ahmedinejad has more in common with Hitler than we thought, huh?


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