Sunday, June 06, 2010

Obama's Director of National Intelligence Believes WMDs in Syria

It seems that President Obama's choice to be the next director of national intelligence supports the view that Saddam Hussein sent the disputed WMDs to Syria in the weeks before the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.

You'd figure this alone would disqualify him for any position in the Obama White House.
Will his nomination bolster credibility for Bush and end the lame and tired old "Bush lied" chants of the left? Assuming of course any credible intel can put the fragile pieces together and/or the trail isn't already too cold. With officials of Hussein's own air force claiming the same for years now, such as Georges Sada and Moshe Yaalon, Israel's top general during Operation: Iraqi Freedom.

What will the left do with this guy? Will top Democrats believe him and give the theory credence, thereby also giving credence to their favourite pinata George Bush, will they mock him, thereby making the president look more incompetent, with yet another poor administration choice; or will they simply ignore his beliefs and continue to bash Bush and the likely more common-sense theory?


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