Thursday, December 23, 2010

Come Back Kid?

So now with so-called "victories," such as the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and the recent deal on START (which actually is the only real accomplishment here) the liberal press is gushingly proclaiming President Obama as the "Come Back Kid." A name presented by ABC's Jake Tapper (who used the passage of DADT to forward the argument of legalized gay marriage across the board, "“is it intellectually consistent to say that gay and lesbians should be able to fight and die for this country, but they should not be able to marry the people they love?”) along with his softball questions (video here) and most assuredly taken to heart by CBS' resident Democrat bootlicker, Katie Couric (“the President isn’t calling himself the ‘comeback kid,’ but some other folks are.”) and perennial liberal apologist, George Stephanopoulos (“The President takes a victory lap. How the Christmas season became what he called a ‘season of progress.’ Will it continue in the new year?”)

Progress? Really? Signing bills into law that are viewed as highly unpopular by least, if not more, than 50% of the population is now considered progress? If that's the case, why isn't George W. Bush considered one of the most popular presidents in history?

Even liberal "icon" Tom Brokaw is putting Obama back into the realm of mythic status. Because of this the lefty media are now on the trip that it's the GOP that has been "shellacked," a term used by Obama after the mid-term election in which the Dems lost a record 60 seats in the House of Representatives. But according to people like Brokaw, Joe Scarborough and the New York Times' Charles Blow, the mid-term destruction of the Dems numbers in the House no longer matter because, "No one's talking about that anymore." No. The lefty media isn't talking about that anymore, because they found something else to cling to that is their "Obama popularity life preserver." They say that he's back, so he is. End of story. I guess we'll have to wait for the next legislative foul up for the press to make excuses for him and turn a blind eye to his ineffectiveness.


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