Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Schultz, Thy Name is Idiot

Can you believe this ultra-ignorant blowhard? I cannot believe for the life of me how he doesn't have a cork on the end of his forks. Now Sgt. Schultz has stretched open his ample piehole to actually claim that "This president [Obama] has had a great first two years, far better than your good buddy, Ronald Reagan, over there on the right. Far more legislative accomplishments affecting more people's lives."
Yes. Special Ed actually said this. This was not Comedy Central, it was not a Jon Stewart scripted segment of The Daily Show. It was actually muttered live on American television. (Mind you, it was witnessed by easily lead astray Americans that actually believe this attempted liberal whitewash of history; except for the honest ones who were alive and remember Reagan's term)

Again Ed, go over your checklist before you leave the rubber room. Waterwings, fork cork, bicycle helmet. Got it? Good. Now go and play.


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