Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"You Lie" Deserves Censure, "F**k the President" Ignored

Last year when Congressman Joe Wilson yelled "You lie!" towards President Barack Obama during a State of the Nation address (and the millionth advertisement for Obamacare) the liberal media and Democrats across the board screamed for his censure. But when a "anonymous" Democrat says "F**k the president" because of Obama's proposed tax compromise with the GOP, the nation's media outlets simply sanitized the quote or ignored it altogether.

Surprised? I didn't think so.

How the hell can anyone on the left deny the multitudes of obvious examples of bias in the media (Bill Press even, laughingly, going so far as to say, "[The right] own all of the media as far as I'm concerned.") when they're in our faces every single day. Are they on LSD? Are they on the Dems payroll? Really, what is it that makes them so blind and complete shills for the left? We all know they have their agenda. We all know they have undying admiration for mass murderers like Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin. We know most have no concept of history. So why do they keep up with this misleading of the public? Not because they purposely want to mislead the public (at least I don't think so) it's because they're historically and journalistically ignorant. They simply don't know how to be honest and how to report facts. It shouldn't even be called journalism anymore, which is clearly a dying form of information distribution. It should be called Opinionism, because that's all we get nowadays. Biased, uninformed, ignorant Opinionism.


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