Wednesday, February 02, 2011

First ACORN, Now Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood. You know, the abortion advacy group that is alive and well (as opposed to the babies that their guys like Kermit Gosnell have murdered throughout the years) has been caught advocating child prostitution, just like the disgraced, Obama-backed ACORN did. And once again, it was all caught on tape.
And just like the ACORN sting (and the Gosnell story) the liberal media is hush-hush and in denial. Moreover, there will be the defence from perennial liberal white-washers MSNBC and CNN that this was a set-up and everything was out of context; even though, just like the ACORN sting, everything was on tape, unedited.

Let the liberal advocacy for child prostitution commence.

And why do they call it Planned Parenthood when they're not planning parenthood? They're planning genocide.

UPDATE: O.k. It wasn't MSNBC or CNN (yet) but the lies in form of a defence has begun.


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