Friday, March 18, 2011

It's Official, Joy Behar is an Ignorant, Sick, Twisted, B*tch

Pardon the language (even if there is a asterisk) but I had already had enough of The View's Joy Behar's ignorance on history and and just her general existence to be honest.
Nevermind that she said that illegals wouldn't be voting for Michelle Bachmann (then calling her a b*tch) called people that are tired of the fifth column in schools that indoctrinate impressionable youth with far-left liberal, Marxist ideals who want to home-school their kids as "demented," and has spewed a plethora of non-sensible and hate-filled propaganda defending terrorism in the Middle East (especially favoring the Jew-hating propaganda of Hamas and "Palestinians") or just with people who disagree with this no-talent witch in general.

Now she says victims of the Holocaust must have "been joking with each other" about it.

Is there anything this hate-filled monster won't get called on? Hello, disgraceful media. Where the hell are you?


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