Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Hiding the Death Panels

See, it's crazy talk when someone like Sarah Palin says the DNC wants to treat other, younger patients that may not die waiting for treatment, so they can, I guess, instead of seniors that may just live longer than the Dems want them to. But when former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says the GOP wants to starve seniors, it's the gospel and she's totally sane, backed up by fellow moonbatter, Sen. Harry Reid. The typical liberal spin and hypocrisy. Wow!

Um, didn't she have an opportunity to table her own budget as Speaker? Yes. Couldn't she have avoided all this if she had tabled one for her Democrat-controlled House? Yes. Did she? No. Ah, the old "let's leave it alone so we can blame the Republicans for it" plan. Like a charm, eh?


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