Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Obama Reverses Decision on 9/11 Suspects, Media Barely Report

So with all the hubub about President Bush keeping 9/11 suspects (Khalid Shaikh Mohammed among them) at Guantanamo Bay, and after he said his Attorney General, Eric Holder would try the suspects in civilian trials in New York City, Obama has now changed his mind and has pretty much lost face as he has to now pretty much "honor" what President Bush was doing in the first place and try them in military tribunals at Guantanamo.

Of course, no one in the lefty media has discussed the flip-flop other than to say his far-left base isn't happy-at least by ABC's standards (Code Pink, Daily Cos and the like) and the media doesn't want you to know that like Bush Obama now has to make decisions that aren't popular in the eyes of the peacenik crowd and that he is now indeed a war president, even if he doesn't want to act like one.

Even the so-called conservative, Joe Scarborough, sees the pomp and circumstance that is the Obamedia.


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