Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Are Dems Finally Seeing the Failure that is Jimmy Carter

It's not like they have to be drawn a map of his failures both as president and as a "private citizen." But what is it about the worst president in history that makes the likes of Katie Couric and the rest of the liberal media swoon with delight just to be in his presence? Do they know who they are talking too? Do they know his pathetic stint as president? Of course they do. They just want the rest of us to think he is a MVP in world political history. Oh, his legacy is cemented in world history all right, just not the way the hoped or the way they have ridiculously spun his tenure in the White House.

Well, as it turns out recently, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton euphorically turned down a chance to meet with Carter and his entourage when she said after being asked would she like to meet with Smilin' Jimmy and discuss his recent trip to North Korea, "No...HELL NO!"

I think that just about wraps up the myth of the usefulness of Jimmy Carter. Hell, even the left is embarrassed to be seen with him.


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