Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Those Conservatives Are So Darn Evil

Are you tired of it yet? Are you just plain ol' sick and tired of the left and their media allies just nonchalantly labeling conservatives as hating on everything...from the beginning of time?
Why is it that the left continually gets away with spreading the same old falsehoods and lies about the right hating children, seniors, women, immigrants, gays, Muslims, Hispanics? Not to mention the Earth, the environment and puppies.

Almost every prominent lefty-especially politicians of the left, like Howard Dean (who's always off the rails these days, it seems), Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, John Kerry-go on their favourite left-wing talk shows like Hardball, The Ed Show, The View and other hate-fest sewing circle "discussion" shows and say whatever outrageous and spiteful things about the right and conservative politicians and organizations usually without any sort of rebuttal from any right-leaning guests. That's probably because these left-wing hosts are too cowardly to have conservative guests on to defend their points and views. Just look at Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell (while constantly defending Obama no matter what and cowardly lying about Ronald Reagan) Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Tavis Smiley, Joy Behar, The View (which has conservative guests, yet are always out-numbered three or four to one, not including token conservative Elizabeth Hasselbeck)

Don't you just love how conservatives such as Sarah Palin are the "divisive" ones? How everything they say is "controversial" and the left is always "mainstream," despite the fact that a heavy majority of the U.S. and Canadian population identify themselves as conservative? How else do you explain the historical majority of conservative leadership in the United States and Canada? Not to mention England, Germany and Australia.

You have to wonder why these shows don't have on a George Will, Charles Krauthammer or Thomas Sowell? Other than Will on Meet the Press, and Ann Coulter on Hardball or Behar's show, why is the left so afraid to learn a few things about history, the economy and how they're wrong on just about every matter that confronts them? I mean they're just going to twist what their guests say anyway to lie to their tiny little audiences anyway (usually when the segment is over and their guests aren't there to straighten them out once more) And even then they try to persuade their audiences with "conservatives" and RHINOS like David Frum, Kathleen Parker and David Brooks.

It's rampant. It's pathetic and in the long run, it doesn't work. Ratings for these lefty programs continue to decline at astronomical rates and subscriptions for the print version of their conservative hate-fests like the New York Times (who now claim, according to columnist Charles Blow that conservatives are "callous" and with an "unshakeable immunity to empathy") , Newsweek, Time, Los Angeles Times, etc. are in free-fall. People aren't buying it anymore lefties! Try some truth in your arguments and maybe, just maybe one of them will resonate with even some on the right some day.


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