Thursday, June 16, 2011

SEIU Starting to Eat Their Own

So it turns out not all SEIU members are lazy, Obama-loving, elitist, nanny-state defending thugs. One, a Mariam Nojiam, was actually forcibly removed from an SEIU election office while officials were giving instructions on counting procedure when she raised the issue of the SEIU's own rules about "election by mail for an internal election — for which it apparently uses the same kind of secret ballots that they want to deny workers with Card Check. By SEIU’s own rules, those ballots are supposed to arrive via US Postal Service, with postmarks to note the date so that the counters can verify they arrived before the deadline. One SEIU observer noticed counters opening large envelopes of ballots with no postmarks at all on them — and when she tried to protest, the other SEIU officials in the room pushed her out the door"

How long before she quits due to her own morals and spills the beans about the thug organization?


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