Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ACLU Shows It's True Colors...Again

Are you a pedophile living close to a school or daycare center? Do the unfeeling, holier-than-thou residents, including the parents of those in attendance at said schools and day care centers want you out for your past indiscretions? Are you being discriminated against for your one or two-time frolics? Then the American Civil Liberties Union is here for you!

Sick! Sick! Sick! And people still think this "admirable" organization is on the side of virtue? Yeah. So is ACORN and Planned Parenthood with their heroes like Kermit the baby Killer. Speaking of which...still waiting for the wall-to-wall stories on this monster MSM.
Just pretend he was a conservative doctor, trying to save babies that mothers wanted to kill. Ooh the horror. There you go. Now you got it. Now run with it.


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