Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jesse Jackson Condones Flash Mob Attacks

No surprise here. I would have expected this more from Al "The Biggest Racist on the Planet" Sharpton. But don't worry, he'll be along.
It blows my mind that Jackson did not take one cue from Martin Luther King, Jr.

From within the article,
A few years ago the good revvum spoke at Johns Hopkins Hospital up the road in Baltimore. During his speech, he claimed the Los Angeles police officers who beat black motorist Rodney King after a high-speed chase were "racists."
After Jackson's speech, he held a news conference. I was the only journalist who asked him if the black rioters who beat white truck driver Reginald Denny to death during the Los Angeles riots were racists. This was his answer, verbatim, and I kid you not:
"They were reacting to being victims of racism. They were driven by race. To be a racist you have to have power. One cannot equate black fugitives from slavery fighting their masters as racists."

So in the curious alternate universe where Jackson lives, Denny wasn't some hapless victim who drove into the wrong part of Los Angeles the day of the riot. Noooo. Denny was some slave master getting his just desserts from the revolting fugitive slaves of early 1990s Los Angeles."

Ah, elitist racists.


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