Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Obama Took the Credit, Will He Take the Blame?

President Obama made it painfully aware of his "role" in the assassination of al Qeada leader Osama bin Laden. He made a full blown effort to make sure everyone understood it was he and he alone who made the decision to give it the green light (after 16 hours of valuable time-consuming hesitation) he wanted it known that it was mostly he who had made all the arrangements (with "help" from the Pentagon and the Department of Defense-and a meaningless slight tip to President Bush-you know that guy that actually was the catalyst of all the groundwork on finding bin Laden) and that it was his administration who formulated this great and noble undertaking. If it wasn't for people having actual brainwaves he may have actually convinced a lot of them that he was actually on the ground with the SEAL team and that he pulled the trigger on OBL himself. That's probably what the new Killing bin Laden Super Barack movie will show.

So now that everybody knows that Obama is solely responsible for the demise of Osama bin Laden, will he take the blame for "creating more terrorists" or being responsible for the "revenge killing" that took out members of SEAL Team Six in Afghanistan when 38 died when their helicopter was shot down last Saturday? Oh right. Since this happened in Afghanistan in a "republican" war and since he's only been out of office for almost three whole years, let me guess...it's Bush's fault!


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