Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Howard Fineman: If Obama Said 'I Love Apple Pie' Republicans Would Call It 'A Socialist Plot'

As if ultra-liberal Fineman would think anything Republicans say isn't nasty and divisive. That's what this so-called "journalist" is paid to do; create division and misinformation.

Appearing on MSNBC's Hardball, Fineman went on to say "If [Republicans] ever worried about the risk of seeming peevish and small-minded, I haven't noticed it." Yes, Howard. As if no Democrat has never anything remotely peevish and small-minded. Nancy Pelosi didn't call the Tea Party "astro-turfers?" Doesn't MSNBC play the race card every chance they get? Didn't Obama claim that Southerners "cling to their guns and Bibles?" Isn't the takeover of a private automobile company by the government socialism? Isn't saying "spread the wealth" and "we know how to spend your money better than you can," socialist, not to mention elitist? Granted that last quote was from Bill Clinton, but it's the mindset of the left that Obama has continued while constantly hiding who he truly is and his true agenda.

And this is not to say the right isn't also guilty of over-the-top rhetoric, but say that Obama is not the slightest bit socialist is like saying Joe Biden doesn't have the slightest bit of hair plugs.

But to Fineman's comment of the apple pie, it's just like what Noel Sheppard said: it all depends on the ingredients. A pinch of leftism and a dash of elitism baked in the heat of "climate change" and viola, Socialist Pie.
And there was a "funny-because-it's-true" comment left on the NewsBusters site that reads:

Actually, Howard, in Obama's case, it probably would be a socialist plot:

First, he would want to nationalize the orchards the apples are grown in.

Then nationalize the wheat fields that grow the grain for the dough.

Grant amnesty and unionize the illegals that pick the apples.

Nationalize and unionize the trucking companies and railroads who haul both.

Nationalize and unionize the oil companies who deliver the fuels to make delivery possible, and
to generate the electricity required to make pie baking happen.

Nationalize and unionize the bakers who make the pies, the pans, the ovens they are cooked in, as well as the boxes they are put in.

Nationalize and unionize the truckers that deliver the finished product to the retailers.

Nationalize and unionize the retailers that sell the finished product.

And make damn sure you pay out the wazoo for said product in order to make all of the above happen.

Ha! Awesome.


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