Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh Good Lord Tom Friedman Is Completely Out of His Head

So the New York Times' Tom Friedman seemingly believes that through all of President Obama's failures (which is to say everything he's ever touched since being in the White House-which has led me to incredibly-because I didn't think it was possible in my life time-to rank Obama worse, yes, worse than Jimmy Carter) it's still too early to tell if the media over-hyped Obama in 2008. Yeah. You read that right. Apparently the jury is still out on whether the MSM did it's job well enough to vet Obama in 2008.

Here's what the mainstream media aloofly thought of an inexperienced, narcissistic, socialist that they nonchalantly didn't care had ties with crooked, and was completely influenced by, Chicago politicians, radical domestic terrorists, a shifty realtor and a racist pastor. Nah. There was nothing that they could have seen coming.

You know why the press didn't or couldn't investigate the potential new president from Illinois? It was Bush's fault.


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