Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Political Correctness and "Feelings" Continue to Dominate Education

I can personally verify this one. When I was in college, at least one of my profs used a purple pen to mark our papers. I found this odd at the time but nothing that I would lose sleep over. Then, after a few months after graduation, I noticed stories like these popping up more and more often.

The reason being is so that kids (mind you, this was in a school full of students no less than 17 years old-other than adult students) won't "feel bad" about seeing red on their papers. No matter if they got an A or an F, the powers that be just felt it would somehow hurt their "feelings" if they saw red on their papers. This, combined with giving everyone a trophy just for showing up for any sort of competition (be it sports or a spelling bee-which really doesn't ready anybody for the real world of business and/or life)

This is the doctrine of the left. It's all about feelings and best intentions. It doesn't matter one iota if the intentions fail miserably, they'll just try harder next time. Don't hurt anyone's feelings, regardless of the truth or circumstances. On the bright side for the left, it does ready one for being conditioned to life-long entitlements.


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