Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Scarborough Schools Smiley Who is Still Trotting Out the Tired ..and WRONG "Bush Lied" Mantra

After dozens and dozens of documents and admissions by the Bush administration of the faulty intelligence on WMDs in Iraq (which several were indeed found by American Special Forces-including Russian MIGs found buries in the desert) and as Ann Coulter has pointed out numerous times several chemicals that alone pose a limited threat, but mixed are lethal combination that can be used in a dirty bomb. Not to mention the so-called non-existent anthrax, mustard gas and other WMDs found.

On Tuesday's "Morning Joe," host Joe Scarborough and even Bush detractor Jon Meachem scowled at the clearly uninformed and naive Tavis Smiley who is still trying to convince the more ignorant than him that "Bush lied, people died."


Remember, this is the guy who said that "Christians, in this country, do that sort of thing everyday," referring to domestic terrorism. I'm still waiting for proof of that or for the rest of the left to correct him.


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