Sunday, October 09, 2011

Dead Mexican Nationals Because of Fast and Furious, Media Now Mum

So the lefty media wondered aloud countless times about the "poor Mexican families" that would be broken up if illegal alien parents of anchor babies were to be rightfully (at least legally) deported for financial and social burdens. Now that there are actual dead Mexican citizens because of Eric Holder's incompetence and now denial of any of the goings on involved with it (of course Obama knew nothing about it-cough cough) the media can't quite seem to bring themselves to hold Holder and Obama accountable. Nor do they seem to be all that concerned about the outcome of such blatant mismanagement and secrecy from the "most transparent administration ever." Even if that outcome involves dead innocent citizens.

Mark Steyn wonders where all the apathy has gone as well.

By the way, not too many "journalists" are chomping at the bit to question the POTUS about this one. Hmm. It must be close to an election year for an incumbent president or something.


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