Saturday, October 01, 2011

Obama: Anwar Al-Awlaki Death is Major Blow for al-Qaeda

Drone attacks killed American al-Qaeda leader, Anwar Al-Awlaki on Friday. President Obama said the death of senior US-born al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen is a "major blow" to the organisation.

Al-Awlaki was seen as potentially as a greater threat to the security of the United States than even Osama bin Laden as Al-Awlaki spoke fluent English, had a knack as a computer wiz and was seen as a better recruiter due to his calm demeanor and ability to indoctrinate American Muslims to the al Qaeda cause.

And although Al-Awlaki was linked to the Ft. Hood shootings, the attempted Time Square bombing and the attempted Christman Day bombing in Detroit in 2009 (allegedly among others) the dastardly ACLU has chimed in again with their anti-American rhetoric and delusions. This is not going to help Ron Paul's chances of diminishing the view of him as out of touch and weak on foreign policy.


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