Sunday, March 04, 2012

Gingrich Once Again Reminds Media to do Their Job

Say what you will about Newt Gingrich, whether you love him or not so much, he sure can hand the media a spanking when they deserve it.

Let's forget about the inconsequential hullabaloo regarding Rush Limbaugh for a moment (as I had once it happened) and focus on the fact the media won't let it go and treats it as if Limbaugh has never said what the left would consider "controversial" before. They already and famously think he's the biggest piece of garbage anyway, so why are they continuously "shocked" and "angered" by what he says. Again, as if Randi Rhodes or Mike Malloy has said anything different. I never heard Limbaugh wish death upon anyone as those miscreants have. But they're protected by the liberal class wherein they can say anything they want with no fear of reprisals. And why? Because the liberal establishment agrees what they say.

Anyway, instead of making constant headlines out of high gas prices, the housing market, unemployment or the deficit the way they did when George W. Bush (or any Republican) was in office, they choose to make Limbaugh's recent (and again inconsequential) comments a national tragedy and headline news every night.

Gingrich masterfully reminded David Gregory of that, while at the same time it seems he has to not so much remind, but introduce Gregory to President Obama's appeasement toward radical Muslims while at the same time making the Catholic church more and more like a society of lepers.

Gregory basically ignored Gingrich's concern and went on with the media hijacking of the narrative.
"Can you appreciate the view of those that disagree with you that this is an attack on women's rights? That's their view, reproductive rights, access to contraception, and the extreme that it's some sort of war on women."

Gingrich, smiled in disbelief and responded, "Nobody's blocking anyone from having access to contraception. No one. The young lady who testified can get access to contraception. Nobody said she couldn't."
[T]he Ohio Christian University... is now being told it will have to pay for abortion pills."
"This is the most fundamental assault on religious liberty in American history."despite every effort by the elite media to distort what it's about. It's not about access to contraception. People have, people who want to can get access to contraception everyday."

Exactly. This has nothing to do with womens' access to birth control. You can get birth control anywhere. It's also about one silly woman's complaint that she wants everyone else to pay for her contraceptives, which was Limbaugh's point to begin with.

Such as...

Is it any more obvious that the goal of the media is to assist the Obama administration in steering the narrative away from any of the real problems facing America. Given their past round-the-clock reporting on everything Bush, how can anyone doubt it?


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