Saturday, March 03, 2012

Obama Apologizes, Five U.S. Soldiers Thrown to the Wolves

Way to go Prez! Your wonderful plan of appeasing extremist elements in the whole accidental Koran burning in Afghanistan will now ensure the "reprimand" of five U.S. servicemen. They apparently will "only" face a reduction in rank (which results in a reduction in pension benefits).
However, the Afghanis want the soldiers to face an Islamic trial. Why heck Mr. President, why don't you just give in to that? Then you can practice you apology skills to their families when they're beheaded. You know just like when you apologized to the families of the religious zealots that killed six other U.S. military personnel. Oh wait. You didn't. I guess it's a lot more convenient and easier to just appease the Muslim fanatics.


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