Sunday, May 06, 2012

Liberal FOX Contributor Shows Her True, Um, "Colors"

Liberal FOX News contributor Jehmu Greene actually called Tucker Carlson a "Bow-tying white boy" when describing "how voters like you" [square white males-because everybody knows how much cooler black men are than white men] questioning [Massachusetts Democratic senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren] on her qualifications is going to be appealing.

This most definitely will not cause any sort of "Rush Limbaugh national crisis," but at the very least, a slap on the wrist of this demeaning woman should be forthcoming.  Yeah, right.

"I didn't call you a name."  Because, you know, calling a "bow-tying white boy" a "bow-tying white boy" is not insulting or racist.  It's only normal to the left and not the least bit  "controversial" because they've been doing it for so long without anyone of their peers giving them any corrections or admonishment.


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