Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Obama the Master Orator, Yet Media Still Have to "Clarify" for Him

President Barack Obama has been framed, nay even coronated as a brilliant speaker.  A man who supposedly can talk directly to the people and touch them like no one else whether they be a lowly gas pumper (not that there's anything wrong with that) or a world leader.  So why is it that they are always clarifying what he meant to say?  The latest is of course Obama's "the private sector is doing fine" remark.  That has been actually reported by the media without it, incredibly for the most part, not being spun to retain his "brilliance."  However what is being done is the next best thing, obfuscation.

From he was "taken out of context" to "he screwed up the line" to "he was mostly correct," Obama's allies in the media are yet again doing their transparent best to cover for him instead of letting the "most brilliant president in history" speak for himself.


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