Monday, July 09, 2007

Oh Boy, Is This Great!

Most of you probably already know this by now, by either seeing it on CNN or and

Michael Moore has finally snapped (or snapped again) He is shown a critique of his new "documentary" "Sicko" before being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. The report says (surprise, surprise) that Moore once again tries to mislead the American public. Points like: Americans are more satisfied with their health care system than Cubans or Canadians are, Canadians and European countries that have so-called "free" health care actually have longer waiting times for non-emergency cases (even to get an appointment-to which I can validate) and that Cuba, contrary to Moore's lies, is lower down on the WHO's list of satisfactory health care systems than the U.S.

He also tries to sell the crap that he war right about the war and that "everything [he] said has cone true." Except that, once again, he's lying through his teeth.

Then of course there's the matter of his racism. He sarcastically and intentionally mispronounces the name of Indian doctor, Sanjay Gupta. the man who Moore says is a liar and a government shill because he was embedded with the troops. The problem with that is Dr. Gupta is democrat supporter and has contributed a large amount of cash to their cause.

I've never seen him so irate and I love it. Did you catch the beginning of his diatribe? He accused the piece of being bias? Moore, of all people accused someone else of being bias? Hello, Kettle? Yeah, it's Pot, how ya doin? Yeah, not bad. Listen, um, you're black.
He whines, "I wonder which pharmaceutical company's ad is coming up after our break, here."
He then immediately goes into his B.S.-laden tirade after saying he would like a 10-minute rebuttal to the piece. Again, this coming from the opportunist who likes to cut off the microphone of anybody that disputes his propaganda, or threatens to sue them if they try and "slander" his mocumentaries. He has the gall to tell ANYBODY to tell the truth?
Typical paranoid lefty. You can't debate the facts, so attack the messenger, then deflect the discussion and/or blame onto someone or something else. Textbook.

Once again, it goes to show that Moore and those of his ilk simlpy cannot handle dissent or fair questions regarding their "work" and that they totally rely on softball questions and pandering to them on network news and talk shows to further their causes. Sad.

If you haven't had the pleasure, please read this.

Brent Bozell hits it right on the head.
By the way, Moore is now making it a personal vendetta against his former (and future) coddlers at CNN. Look out, he's maaaaaad.


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