Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hussein Obama Shows His True Allegences

You know everyone and their dog gets on President Bush for what they claim is invading "brown countries" and "imperialism" (never mind the fact that America produces in one day-at times even one hour-than what these countries produce in a year) but no one-on the loony left, that is-ever argues about these "brown" countries doing things to change us, change our way of life.
Mostly because the left chooses to ignore this threat in their rose-colored world, choosing to accept that America is the threat, America is evil...but I digress.

Would you like a taste of a President Obama world? I mean other than what you've been hit over the head with already?

Well, we know that BHO is related to terrorists, so does this pandering seem shocking? Or the fact that radical Jihadists use Obama's rallys to meet, yell, scream and gain blind support from the galactically ignorant, while fully supported by Obama himself. No wonder he didn't want the press there. I don't know why. You know they would protect him and opt-ed about anyone who says or, God help them, thinks different wil lbe labled a racist, Islamaphobe, Nazi, neo-con, you know all that good stuff that has no meaning any more.

Take a look at what Barack Hussein Obama wants to protect and support, and damn you if you don't see things his way.


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