Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Liberal Smears "Unoticed"

From Brent Bozell comes a report on the obvious smear campaign that the Democrats have already started, as I've also reported on recently. Not only do libs insult the public by constantly lying to them with their double standards and keeping them down by repeatedly telling them that they're victims and are useless without the Democrats, but the party of crazy really can't smell their own B.S.

Michael Medved recently relayed to his listeners about a CBS "report" on the "Five Things You Probably Didn't Know About John McCain and Barack Obama"
You should have heard this thing, it would have been funny if it were not so blatanly dishonest.

I don't have to tell you that the objective of this "report" was to smear McCain and to cannonize Obama.

A few examples:
-Barack Obama spends plenty of time with his family playing his favourite game. No, not "pull the Wool" (as in over the public's eyes) but Scrabble, especially with his sister. McCain meanwhile, is an avid birdwatcher. You know, because that's what old people do.

-Barack Obama is a humble, everyman, because he buys five of the same suit, off the rack.
John McCain won't wear wool. I guess because, they figure, he's anti-sheep, or a sheepist.

-Barack Obama was popular in high school and college, while John Mccain was nicknamed, "Punk" and was "always seen with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth." Oooohh.

-John McCain wasn't born in any of the 50 states (no, not 57-which, interestingly enough, is how many states there are in the Islamic world) the implication being McCain is not eligible to be president. He was born in the Panama Canal region, because his father was in the Navy, stationed there. No mention, however, of Obama's father being a devout Muslim.

I think you get the picture. And after Obama pre-emptively smeared McCain, saying McCain will, not has, but will play the race card; the gauntlet has been thrown and the gloves are now off.

Exit question: Do the wannabe "journalists" at CBS


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