Sunday, June 22, 2008

Who's Using Race?!

All through the Democrat primarys, both Hillary Clinton and barack Obama's camp used race to make certain points. Bill and Hillary used it to show how hypocritical Obama is (coming from all people) and Obama's camp used it to show how racist white people are.

Now, Obama has attempted to stack the deck already and fire a pre-empitive strike against the Arizona senator by puting race on the front burner already, claiming that McCain and the Republicans will use race as an issue. Uh-huh.
You see, no one can talk about race in America unless you happen to be black. Otherwise you're just a silly, discredited racist yourself...or a Republican of course.

I notice Obama didn't mind that race was an issue when he got 90 percent of the black vote in the Carolinas or that he got a majority white vote in of all places like Ohio which is predominately white. Nope, we're all racists and McCain is apparently the worst.

But I think it's dishonest and irrefutable that Obama is the one playing the race card, and trying to make it sound like McCain and the Republicans already have used race as an issue. Oh, I know, I know; the Great Saviour said that they will, not that they have, but they will.
Just a wee bit presumptuous, don't cha think?

Check this out from
What happened to changing the way politics are done in Washington? What happened to hope and change? Nope, it's still the same ol' way of doing things, but Mr. Marxist gets a pass and no backlash whatsoever. Not that I'm surprised. He is a liberal in a liberal-controlled media world.

So let's see:
Lay off his ears.
Lay off his wife.
Lay off his pastor-excuse me, ex-pastor (yeah, right)
Lay off his upbringing
Lay off the fact that he and every little sheep that follow him (remember the nose-blowing incident?) may say he stands for this and that; but what exactly are those?
and he says he's going to ensure this and change that; but what exactly is he going to change and how?
I dare any mainstream "journalist" to grow a set and actually challenge this guy.
You just know, with Brian Williams as the new host of Meet the Press, Obama can't wait to get on there now and face not only soft-ball questions, but to have Williams actually fawn all over him. Seriously, watch for the drool.


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