Sunday, June 22, 2008

Obama Lies, Flips. Only Excuses From MSM

So John McCain endorses drilling off shore and in Anwar. Of course, Barack Obama being a Marxist liberal, opposes it. Therefore, all his ignorant little minions opposes it, too, without even knowing what it's all about.
But, oh wait, the New York Times (who recently publicly released more sensitive information the White House yet again asked not to be divulged, and yet again the Traitor Times have to, HAVE TO go against their president, their country and "their" troops.

Now Obama is flipping, yet again. No, he hasn't changed his mind about Anwar (and I somehow doubt his numbers on offshore drilling "The taxpayers won't see a return...till 2030")

Read this. It's a transcript of this very topic. And a very good point on Barry's non-commital to finding a feasable alternative fuel source.



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