Friday, October 03, 2008

O'Reilly Goes Postal on Frank

Last night, before the debate between Sarah Plain and Joe Biden, Bill O'Reilly had on The O'Reilly Factor, Barney Frank as a guest. To say it got a little heated would be a massive understatement.

Instead of trying to explain it, I'll just show it to you.

Cozy, huh? Although I hate to use anything associated with the "Young Turks" as they undoubtedly a couple of tools, it was the only video post up on YouTube about this.

Let me just say this:
O'Reilly was absolutely correct in his choice of words and his entire argument. Yes, even calling Frank a coward.
It's just his screaming was over the line. I know he does this quite frequently, that's why his detractors score points when he does this.
But even I think it was unprofessional. He didn't have to holler at the man, although it does make good television, he just had to cut him off when he tried to get away with his spin and denials.

But Frank is a Democratic coward, so overall, good for O'Reilly.


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