Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You Have to See This!

It's about time someone other than the hosts of Joshua's Trail, a Detroit-based radio show hosted by Levon Yuille and his band of merry men (on 1400 WBTK-Detroit) told the TRUTH behind the foundlings of America's two major political parties. All black conservatives, all dedicated to the truth about black history in America and the truth about the real history and founding of the Republican Party. Anyone interested should not only read this column, but should also listen to the above radio show, if it's available in their area. Like I said, they don't just tell the truth about the origins of the Republican Party, they tell the truth about the "distinguished" origins of the Democratic Party.
Did you happen to check out some of the denials and run of the mill hatred on Amy there?

They always like to tell Republicans that the truth hurts. But once again (and forever more) hypocrisy and double-standards abound when it comes time for libs to take their own medicine. It just goes to show that,truly, being a liberal means never having to say you're sorry.
Remember, Republicans=LIES; Democrats=TRUTH. EVERY TIME, ALL THE TIME!!!
Not to mention...Republicans are STUPID; Democrats are GENIUSES.

Don't you know that? Sheesh!


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