Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama Still Balking with the Press Over Blagojevich

Look, I completely understand that if something is under investigation, you can't speak on it. But when reporters ask about his opinion on a matter that's removed from said investigation, why the hesitancy?

"Don't waste your question?" "Let me cut you off?" How can answering questions about a man you knew and endorsed for governor be "inappropriate?" Who doesn't know he's full of it? Axelrod admitted it ("Oops my boss said I was wrong, sorry) and Rahm Emanuel did in fact talk to Blagojevich about Obama's vacant senate seat multiple times.
So Obama's "I...we have had no contact with the governor's office is...3..2..1..A LIE!

On a related story Joe Scarborough finally chastised members of the MSM for only doing their jobs when they felt like it:

Good for Scarborough, even if it was a year or more too late:


Blogger Adrienne said...

Loved that Scarborough bit. :)

Don't you just love how Obama can simply dismiss himself of any wrongdoing or any contact with Blago as if he is the end-all in decision making? He sure has annointed himself with a lot of power. I'm really, really interested to see how this all turns out. Blago seems like the kind of guy who will name names.

1:10 pm  

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