Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chavez and the Book

So President Obama met with his good buddy, Venezuelan dictator and all-round punk, Hugo Chavez. It's not surprising that Obama met with him, after all socialist minds think alike. But when they met, they were all smiles like they were old war buddies. But the most striking thing I noticed was the handshake. You must have noticed this. I guess the politically incorrect term would be the "bro handshake." You know what I mean. Teenagers and young adults do it all the time.

That in and of itself is not what perplexes me. It's that Obama seemed just a little bit too comfortable doing it. Like I said, it was like they've known each other for years. First he bows to the King of Saudi Arabia (something that no president of the United States has ever done) yeah, I know, what about Bush holding hands with him? Well for one thing (not that I liked it either) that was a custom of friendship and equality (I didn't agree with that either.) To bow to the leader of another nation may just seem like respect, but it's seen as Obama is the inferior one, a subordinate.

And now he's being chummy with a socialist dictator in acts that would make Sean Penn proud.
Speaking of which, didn't Penn's own good buddy, Mickey Rourke, say that not too long ago Penn was calling homosexuals the F-word in every other conversation? Now he supports gay rights and a guy that jails the homosexuals in his own country? Well, I guess he's consistent. Hypocritical, but consistent.

But even more outrageous is the gift from Chavez to Obama. The anointed one apparently (and to no surprise) accepted a book from Chavez that purports to describe just how "evil" and "imperialist" America (and Europe) has been to Venezuela over the centuries. That's right, the man who gave a bust of one of the greatest men of the 20th century back to leader of the country that gave it to him (the bust of Winston Churchill given to George W. Bush by Tony Blair) but accepts a book demeaning the country that he is the leader of. Some leader. I'm sure he'll enjoy it. Heck, Oprah may even put it in her book club.

By the way, why does Obama smile at dictators?


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