Friday, August 07, 2009

Facist Doctrine-Phase One

Their out of the gates, folks. This is step one to liberals total control of all mediums and their attempt to destroy conservative radio. Legislate and dominate. They simply can't do it in the free-market, so now that they have control of the government, they're going to force it down your throats whether you want it or not.

Much like the CBC up here in Canada. Nobody watches it (approximately 4.6% of the population at last count watch the liberal-infested network) but we're forced to put up with it's liberal tilt and pay for it with our taxes. Prime Minister, Stephen Harper has said he wants to break it up and sell it off. That way, everybody can have their own station, their own voice, under the umbrella of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Of course, the Liberal and NDP (New Democratic Party-what a joke for a name that is, since they're more communist than the Communist Party) want none of that, because you see it would destroy their hold on the indoctrination of Canadians; especially their most vital geographic-the youth.

And that is the ultimate goal of the liberals south of the border, too. They know they're not going to win over the older, more informed populace in the free market, where their product has failed miserably, so go with the ignorant, easily-fooled generation. That and all the millions of illegals that they hope will help them achieve their one-party system. They know they simply cannot win in the free market of ideas.

They say they cannot compete and and it's unfair that they suck at the medium. They say they are not in enough markets (they don't understand that the reason for that is because no one wants to hear their liberal drivel and advertisers know their product simply doesn't sell) They say the the want and need is out there (again, despite the people ignoring it) So despite owning most of the major newspapers, all of the television networks, Hollywood, the major magazines and most of cable TV, they must have control of am radio as well. They finally figured out how to win...let the government regulate it for them. Hey, why not, their heroes, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have already shown them how it's done.


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