Friday, August 07, 2009

Pelosi Goes Off the Deep End

Blinky is really stretching it this time. Patriotic Americans practicing the constitutional right of peaceful assembly and she's seeing swastikas. I think she's having flashbacks to her 2006 congressional win after-party.

Maybe the disgrace of a Speaker is talking about this anti-swastika dissident, that she no doubt will report to "the One's" snitch-line that is now keeping tabs on patriots that have a problem with the way they feel the president is ruining their nation. Now there is no evidence, as of yet, that this information would be used to audit someone or deny benefits of any kind, but if in the future it turns out that does happen, that would indeed be an impeachable offense. Of course, good luck proving it, I suppose.

From the official White House website:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

Isn't it truly ironic, if not totally despicable, that, as one commenter says, "Again proof that liberals can say anything that want, call our troops murderers, George Bush a terrorist and no one [i.e. the press]covers it or says anything."

Nevermind that the Democrats are drunk with power and have no idea how close their downfall really is (really, with the president's approval numbers now below 50% and the Senate Democrats losing support due to the economy and Obamacare-this is almost exactly the same situation that was in place for the Republican revolution of 1994) they are on a crash-course with reality.

Should anyone be surprised? Afterall, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al with their silence, fully supported the thugs of ACORN and their Black Panther protectors that threatened and intimidated voters at polling stations.

The Obama White House is now asking their supporters to counter-act the patriots with a push-back of their own with more intimidation-in-the-making, I'm sure.

And soon, keep watch for the Secret (not so much) Obama Police Force! It's true. They're coming. Lies, huh? Fear-mongering, huh? Just wait. First you get mad and call it lies, then you'll deny their existence, then you'll apologize for them, finally you'll accept them. Zighail!

And Reid, Pelosi and the Democrats are supporting it all. They truly have lost their way. And they want to stifle and "prosecute" anyone who actually notices and dares to stop them!


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