Saturday, August 08, 2009

The Second 100 Days

So CNN held a panel that graded President Obana's second 100 days in office. They graded him with a report card-style analysis. Not surprisingly, they gave him A's and B's ranging on everything from the economy to foreign relations. Was there any doubt that were going to snuggle up to his bosom?

Some of the explanations from the liberals on the panel (conservatives, Alex Castellanos and Bill Bennett were also invited and also outnumbered) were to say the least, typical.

Did you catch some of that? Jeffery Toobin said, “I’m giving him a B. You know- he’s off to a decent start. He got a stimulus package planned. It passed." Yeah, with a Democrat-controlled Congress, duh! "It seems like it’s having some impact" Um, where? Oh, that .1% drop in unemployment? "But the economy stinks and he’s the president and the buck stops there.”

David Gergen gave him a B+ and said, “I think that this economy was going over a cliff when he took office. He stopped us from going over a cliff. I think they made some mistakes on their policy. Stimulus bill wasn’t big enough. I think they haven’t moved the foreclosure bill very well. I don’t think they moved credit very well. But he’s got us basically back on a better track. He’s got real problems ahead with unemployment.”

Bennett and Castellanos gave Obama a D on the economy. Castellanos explained, “I'll give him a D, a ‘D’ for debt. He’s indebted the country for generations- spent a lot more than he should have.”

And of course, Paul Begala in typical fashion gave Obama an overall B. His reasoning?
“Give him a B for Bush. He inherited the debt from Bush. He’s trying to dig us out of that ditch, Mr. Castellanos.”

If McCain had won and was in the same hole with economy (mind you he wouldn't have-or been able to-rush a $800 billion "stimulus" through Congress ) do you think there would have been such love and understanding for him? Nah. Me neither.

Final word?

BORGER: "I would- I would give him a B, and I think no matter what you think about what he’s done on health care, you have to grade this president on a curve, because he was dealt such a bad hand. You know, there are two things that he had. He had the agenda he campaigned on..." Which he is still campaigning for!
"...and the agenda that was handed to him when he became president because of the economic situation. He made it harder for himself because he decided he could keep his original agenda, and take care of the economic problems, and as a result, I believe he is spread a little too thin and trying to do too much. But I still give him a B."

Surprise, surprise. The Stimulus wasn't big enough?? Coo-coo.


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