Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sowell on the FOX War

Read up.

Since when has other news organizations (you'll notice no quotes) ever followed FOX's lead? I mean how long did it take for the New York Times to print the Van Jones story? How often do the networks totally ignore stories that are critical of the Democrats until they've been scooped?Or even at all?

What a fraudulent argument Obama has come up with yet again. A news organization that is critical of his policies deserves to be ridiculed, ignored and (I'm sure he's hoping) shut down. And all his little minions are blindly and fascistically following. has a petition to get people not to watch FOX. Hugo Chavez lives in America. They sure didn't have a problem when FOX wasn't kicking all the other cable news channel's collective butt's in the ratings (and now they're close to doing it to certain network news outlets) A sure fire way to have FOX News's ratings go even higher and bring Obama's approval numbers down even further.

I don't remember Bush doing this as much as the loony left called him a facist, Hitler and all that good stuff. He never stifled freedom of speech, or the press. Even when he was getting shoes thrown at him in Iraq, what did he say? "That's democracy in action." Something this president knows absolutely nothing about.

I suppose Obama thinks MSNBC is "legitimate." Of course he does. He invited "real journalists" like Olberloon, who is the epitome of (snicker) objectivity. Quite simply and quite obviously, those who oppose Obama or those who simply disagree with his policies are the enemy. Nixon anyone? You can't tell me you didn't see this coming when they kicked a reporter off of Obama's plane simply because he endorsed John McCain during the general election.

Does anyone who consider themselves even reasonably intelligent actually think this is right? Other news outlets don't (to the chagrin of Emanuel, Axelrod and Obama himself) that's why they refused to go along with Francisco Franco's, I mean Barack Obama's plan when he refused to allow FOX to interview Ken Feinberg.

I can't wait for 2012. This dude is so gone.


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