Friday, January 08, 2010

Obama Takes the Blame

"The buck stops with me," he says. Taken from one of his many "heroes" (so he claims) Harry S. Truman. He wants everyone to know he's in charge, he's the man and he's responsible. Other than, of course, whatever he and his administration "inherited."

A good speech. And he is right about thje walls between national security communications (didn't we know this after 9/11? Has nothing changed??) But that's all this guy delivers on. And how are we supposed to believe his sincerity when this was the guy not three weeks ago said the near-bombing of flight 253 was due to an "isolated extremist" and that his head of Homeland Security said the "system worked?" Now that we know al Qaeda trained and supplied this man out of Yemen, all of a sudden; I guess because it happened on his watch, all of a sudden, America is at war. Gee, thanks for the warning, Prez.

Another thing is, wasn't the closing of Guantanamo Bay due to the "black eye" it was giving America? Well, how that going to change by moving the animals to Illinois? Their status won't change. Their still going to be enemy combatants that are military prisoners. So Illinois becomes the new Guantanamo. There's still going to be complaints and cries of how their prayer rugs aren't clean enough or that their three square meals a day of chicken, potatoes and corn (or whatever other side they get that day) isn't hot enough as "torture."
And speaking of Illinois detention centers...

They actually want to take these foreign enemies, who have no access to American constitutional rights, and give them Habeas Corpus. That's right, in case you didn't know, the Obama administration wants to take terrorists with information on al Queda, their training, perhaps even sleeper cell whereabouts and tell them they have the right to remain silent. Good job Holder. Good job Incompetano. And once again, great job President Obama.

Plus, this is probably all just a diversion from the fact that the Democrats (not Obama himself, mind you, since like he always has; he just delegated the actual work to the Dems in Congress-namely Reid and Pelosi-but he'll still take credit for it, or in a few years when history shows they were all wrong, he'll throw them all under the bus) are about to stuff this wildly unpopular bill down the throats of Americans. Because after all, they know what's better for you than you do.


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